Model Man
Small Groups

"My burden is that every Christian man would move from being a "mediocre man" to a "model man." My prayer is to see one million men's lives changed through this simple and practical Model Man message. Below you will find resources for your church, leaders and congregation. God bless you as you make your way through the Model Man Small Group series."

-Larry Stockstill


For Pastors

In today’s chaotic world, men are looking for an example to follow. Pastor Larry Stockstill wrote the Model Man small group material to provide practical coaching for men on what it means to live out a Godly lifestyle. The book and study guide are simply written to give you a new image, a strong foundation, and set you on a journey from "integrity to legacy.” Pastor, we believe that if you reach the man you will reach the family. Be a part of getting your men to join the Model Man Movement.

For Small Group Leaders

Life change takes place in a small group setting. The model man small group series provides an opportunity for men to get together and learn about what it means to have integrity, purity, purpose, maintain a healthy pace of life, and have a model marriage and family. This small group teaching provides men with practical examples on how to be a better husband and father and how to develop healthy daily disciplines. It’s time for men to step up and begin leading their families. The purpose of this video is to encourage men to lead or join a Model Man small group.

For Church Congregation

Men need all the help they can get when it comes to motivating them to join a small group. Play this video during your service to help challenge men to join a mens small group.


We’ve created special content for you to promote Model Man Small Groups in your church. We have also left space for you to add your group specific details.

Click on the images below to download.


Custom made posters for your church lobby.



Custom made push-cards to promote small groups to your church congregation.



Model Man Wallpapers for your phone and computer.



A custom made slide for your church screens with room for personalization.


If you are a pastor, we would like to give you a free eBook.

Download the Model Man eBook


Here are the items you will need to get the model man movement started in your church. Your leaders will need: book, study guide, and DVD or access to view the web sessions. Your group members will need: book and study guide.

Book: 9 chapters on living a life from integrity to legacy.

Study Guide: The study guide follows the 6 (20 minute) video sessions which includes: fill in the blank, group discussion questions, and ministry topics. * Every study guide includes free access to web streaming sessions.

Video Sessions: The 6 video sessions recorded by Pastor Larry are practical teachings that directly follow the Model Man book and study guide. In a group setting men will want to watch the lessons as they follow along with their study guide and fill in blanks.

Tap on images to view pricing



Study Guide




Book +
Study Guide + Web Sessions


Book + Study Guide + DVD


Web Sessions

Ways to Watch:

  • Apple TV,
  • Youtube,
  • Roku,
  • Chromecast
Web Sessions
