Our burden is that every Christian man would move from being a "mediocre man" to a "model man." Without model men, our nation is doomed, our families are directionless, and our businesses will crumble from within. We are issuing a clarion call to the men of America and the entire world to seek for God to do an inward "alignment" that will change them into something He can use to make a seal, an impression on others. Paul called for Christians to "imitate him" and we believe each man can model, mentor, and multiply their life in Christ until the entire nation is transformed from within.
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In this confused, chaotic world, men are looking to find a model man: a man who possesses the qualities of integrity, purity, pace of life, purpose, a model marriage, model children, and a powerful legacy. In this practical guidebook to manhood, Larry Stockstill describes this “model man” and his journey from integrity to legacy. These 9 short chapters will give you a new image, a new foundation, and a new starting place to rebuild your life into one that many will seek to imitate. Get ready to be coached, challenged, broken, and rebuilt until God can see in you His greatest dream: the godly, long-term, influential, and powerful “model man”!
1Courageous Integrity
2The War on Sexual Purity
3All Eyes Are on You
4The Pace of Grace
5Power over Yourself
6Living a Life of Purpose
7Making Mama Happy
8Raising Sons and Daughters
9Legacy: Your Highest Assignment
Conclusion: Gathering Around the Table
In this confused, chaotic world, men are looking to find a “model man”: a man who possesses the qualities of integrity, purity, pace of life, purpose, a model marriage, model children, and a powerful legacy. In this practical guidebook to manhood, Larry Stockstill describes this model man and his journey from integrity to legacy. These 9 short chapters will give you a new image, a new foundation, and a new starting place to rebuild your life into one that many will seek to imitate. Get ready to be coached, challenged, broken, and rebuilt until God can see in you His greatest dream: the godly, long-term, influential, and powerful “model man”!
Purchase Now$10.18
This 6 week Model Man Study Guide will help you follow along with Larry Stockstill as he teaches and challenges you through the 6 week Model Man DVD Small Group Series. The Study Guide is full of challenging questions, discussions, self-study applications and action points! Follow Pastor Larry as he walks you through taking those steps necessary to go from integrity to legacy.
Purchase Now$7.00
These exciting and practical 50 lessons will walk you through 10 key lessons in each of the following topics: Leadership, Parables, Proverbs, Promises and Heroes. Each lesson is designed to discuss for 20 to 30 minutes and end with some challenging questions. Each man in your small group will learn what it takes to become a “model man.”
Purchase Now$15.00
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